2013 was kind of a crazy year in our family. Lots going on and I was trying to keep lots of balls in the air, hoping any that dropped would bounce! This blog was something I had to sit aside for a time because I just couldn't do it all. There! I said it! That's hard for me to admit that. Do you understand???
Well, I have always wanted to redesign my online shop and add more products. Guess what?! I'm finally able to do that. I am SOOOOO excited to announce that Lucy Doo is expanding and will now begin offering sassy clothes for women as well as continue to offer the sassy jewelry to go with it!
Will you help spread the word?? I'd really appreciate it!
My new online shop is NOW OPEN!! Share with your friends!!! Post it on your Facebook page and Twitter. Shout from the rooftops!!! ha!
As I continue to grow Lucy Doo, I would appreciate your feedback as to what you are looking for. Please email or leave a comment with your ideas. I'll respond as soon as I can, I promise!!
Many blessings on you and your family. Thanks so much for your continued support and patience as I am just a wife, mom, and every day woman trying to contribute to her family's budget. Your support means the world to me!
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