Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It’s Always Something….

Do you remember my post over the weekend? The one where I talked about the deal my husband got was offered at the car repair shop?

Well…you know things have gone sour when you receive a phone call from the repair shop that starts out with “We were inspecting your car when…”. Have you ever heard those words? In my world, those words usually are worth $500. Specifically, my car was going to fail the inspection because of a leaking power steering “gadget”. Of course, all would be made right again for the low, low price of $503 (and change). I’m convinced that the minimum payment threshold for any car repair is $500. I think all car repair shop managers get a book when they become managers entitled “Becoming a Millionaire $500 at a Time”.

I have to go now…my vacuum cleaner just made a sound equivalent to swallowing a cat!

1 comment:

  1. repairs are NO fun! Fingers crossed for your vacuum cleaner!


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